
5 Red Flags to Look For When Getting Self-Publishing Help

5 Red Flags to Look For When Getting Self-Publishing Help

Self-publishing your book is a difficult task with a ton of moving parts. Because of this, a lot of authors seek out help from coaches or small independent publishing houses to help them realize their dreams. And that’s absolutely wonderful – when the company they are...

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Here’s One Underutilized Tool for Book Marketing

Here’s One Underutilized Tool for Book Marketing

Do you have a sell sheet for your book? A sell sheet can help you promote your books to bookstores, consumers and the press.  What is a Sell Sheet? Think of your sell sheet like your elevator pitch that is written down. It is the one stop shop that should answer all...

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Create the Perfect Instagram Author Bio

Create the Perfect Instagram Author Bio

Your Instagram bio is incredibly important because it is your first – and often last – chance to convert a profile viewer into a follower. And that’s how you start building a consistent audience who will see your posts.  Followers are not everything, but sales are...

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When to Start Marketing Your Book on Social Media

When to Start Marketing Your Book on Social Media

It can be challenging to know when you should start promoting your book on social media. Should you wait until you have your book ready to launch? Should you begin with your launch or a character reveal? I wrote this blog to explain why you should start marketing your...

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Goodreads Giveaways: Pros and Cons

Goodreads Giveaways: Pros and Cons

To give away free books or not to give away free books… One of the most talked-about promotional offers Goodreads has is a Goodreads Giveaway. But, there are both pros and cons to this option.  The first question is pretty simple. Are...

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The Independent Authors’ Guide to Goodreads

The Independent Authors’ Guide to Goodreads

According to their website, Goodreads is “the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations.” However, it is a mistake to think that Goodreads is only for readers. Authors should be actively participating too. Why Should Authors Be on Goodreads? ...

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5 Things You Need to Know About Instagram Hashtags

5 Things You Need to Know About Instagram Hashtags

Instagram hashtags have been a pillar of exposure and growth on Instagram for years. But recently, there has been a lot of conflicting information on the topic.  Today, we’re hoping to clear this up by answering a couple of different questions:  What are...

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The 4 Best Content Creation Tools for Instagram

The 4 Best Content Creation Tools for Instagram

There are so many content creation tools available for business owners, and it can get overwhelming. You do not need them all, and trying to find a use for all of them is something I’ve seen time and time again. Here are the only content creation tools I use to make...

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